Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Faces of International Inspiration

Hey Fashionista's

If you follow me on Twitter you may have already heard me rave about the fashion show in which I co-planned along with my fellow fashion club members. This event was the start of many more events to come from our fashion club.

We actually started planning this event last year and took about 4 months to prepare. We decided to do the fashion show at our mall so that the whole community/ the public could see the show. We wanted to show our community what the Fashion Technology Program is all about and what we can do. It was very exciting for me, I've never done anything this BIG. As for myself I was one of the designers and part of the hair and makeup committee and as well as backstage. A lot of people were involved, helping out making sure the event went smoothly. I mean it was legit not like other fashion shows we've done. Our set/stage was an actual runway, we even hired a photographer and we also had a red carpet so that the models can pose to be photographed.

Our theme was "The Faces of International Inspiration". The show was broken down into three segments/countries: Europe, North America and Asia. My designs were inspired my Japanese Street Fashion (Gyaru and Harajuku). Here are some photos of my designs. Actual photos from the fashion show will be up soon. Clips of the show can be found on my Youtube Channel.

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