Friday, July 2, 2010

Update.... Went to the hospital

Hey Loves

Hope everyone is having a wonderful and safe summer. I'm definitely having a great summer. Some days boring, some I've had tons of fun. June has been quite busy for me. The cousins and myself booked a room at the Westin Villas for two nights and three days. Tons of fun!! Spent about 7 hours in the pool and it's not often where all of the cousins get to hang. We also walked around Front Street and spent most of the time looking for Lush, which we did find and I honestly was disappointed. They didn't have the ones that I wanted. But anyways that was a fun mini vacay.
I also just recently got my wisdom tooth's taken out and boy, do I have a story to tell you all.
So the actual extraction went well. I went for just the numbing and laughing gas. The laughing gas felt quite nice, very relaxing and it just numbed my whole body. It feels like your floating on a cloud. The only thing that spooked and got my heart rate racing was when the doctor was injecting my gums to numb it. I seriously knocked out a couple times and then woke up again, still seeing him inject more. It really made me jittery and it just plan out felt weird. But after a couple minutes I couldn't feel a thing. No pain, just felt a lot of pressure during the extraction. Overall it went pretty well. Glad it is just a one time kind of athing.
Okay, so if you follow me on Twitter, you probably know what happened.
I got an allergic reaction to the medicine Amoxicillin, which I was prescribed by the doctor to help heal after the extraction of my wisdom tooth's. I started feeling really weird a couple hours taking the medicine. I was having a hard time breathing, felt pressure on my chest, itching, eyes felt heavy, the left side of my body was tingly, nauseous and light headed/dizzy. Pretty much all the symptoms. I woke my parents up and got a hold of my doctor and he then told to go to the emergency. So my mom took me to the hospital. So glad it only took 2 minutes to get there. Went to the ER room were I waited for 2 hours for a doctor to check me out. He said it wasn't to severe, which I'm glad. He just said I had a allergic reaction to it and then gave me Benadryl to stop the itching. So now I know I'm allergic to Amoxicillin/Ampicillin. This experience definitely spooked me. I've never had an allergic reaction and been in the ER as a patient. I'm just so glad and thankful that it wasn't severe.
Also watched Grown Ups with the cousins. It was so nice to have all the cousins together. A really great family movie. Its about time they make a movie with all those funny actors.I definitely recommend watching that movie. Hilarious!!
But pretty much this summer I've been going to graduation parties, chilling at home, and after I got my wisdom tooth's taken out a lot of sleeping because the medicine made me drowsy so I got a lot of sleep this summer.
I have a lot more stuff to do this month. Just had my cousins graduation party last night which was tons of fun. My sisters and I had to dance hula and Tahitian. And my sister will be competing at the Keiki Hula Competition in Oahu. Also I'm moving back to Washington.
Anyways thought I'd update for the sake of updating and so you all know what has been happening.

Here are some photos:


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